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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

9 Valuable Lessons You Learn By Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

When you’re in your comfort zone, you feel safe and cosy. You are comfortable with your space and surroundings, the people around you or for that matter the job that you do. However, staying in the comfort zone for a longer period of time could make you settle for mediocrity.

But taking small steps to get out of your comfort zone can change your life in more than one way. Let us discuss all the valuable lessons that you can learn by stepping out of your comfort zone.

1. You Start Making Decisions For Yourself

The unfamiliarity of stepping out of your comfort zone makes you extremely self-aware. You take each step with care, make mistakes and learn from them.

As you keep going, you will notice that you are now taking responsibility for yourself and your decisions. Being decisive is one of the most important life skills to learn and this definitely teaches you to be one!

2. You Learn to Guard Yourself

Once you move out of your comfort zone, you are likely to feel vulnerable. You are very observant of people’s actions and the situations you are exposed to. You are quick to identify potential warnings in situations and are able to safely protect yourself.

3. You Become a Pro Problem Solver

Each day poses new challenges as you progress through the discomfort. New challenges mean you learn to solve problems that you’re faced with each day. The problems could be trivial but the knowledge you gain is essential.

The journey in a way gives you the confidence that whatever life may throw at you, you will be able to overcome it. It may not be easy but you know that you will be able to resolve it with a few hiccups here and there.

4. You Learn to Enjoy Your Own Company

When you are in your comfort zone your friends and family are there to give you constant company and guidance.

But when you are out on your own, all you’re left with is yourself. In the beginning, you may have feelings of loneliness but slowly you learn to enjoy your own company.

You are comfortable being with yourself and may also find yourself looking forward to alone times. I absolutely love spending me-time with myself. It helps me recharge my batteries and reflect on my actions and thoughts.

5. You Reinvent Yourself

Tying closely to the previous points, once you are out of your comfort zone, you learn and experience new things. Sometimes, the experiences teach you so much that you may re-invent yourself. You may feel like a whole new person and you learn about yourself a lot. This can also be a major self-confidence booster.

The experiences and learnings can also give a sense of purpose in life and makes your goals clearer. You finally know and understand who you are and are ready to take on the world!

6. You Learn to Handle Stress Better

With learnings and experiencing novel things, day in and day out you learn to handle stress. Even if you’re put a very stressful situation, you would not chicken out. You are quick to step up for yourself and others.

7. You Learn Your limits

Again coming to the many experiences you face, you learn your limits. You know how far you can go to help somebody or how much you allow somebody in your personal space. You know your limits and I think it’s super useful to know your limits. In a world that could take more than you want to give, these limits help you demarcate your zones and not let anybody take bad advantage of you.

8. Your Productivity Increases Multi-Fold

It’s human nature, to make yourself as comfortable as you can be in a given situation. When you’re exposed to uncomfortable situations, you try and find innovative ways to make yourself comfortable. You’re more alert and plan things in advance as to how you would manoeuvre through the day. Unknowingly, this gets ingrained in you and you learn to work productively.

9. You Become Self-Confident

As you progress through this journey, you learn to become comfortable with experiencing discomfort. You become more open to new experiences. The experiences help you boost your confidence.

Final thoughts

Getting out of your comfort helps you grow immensely. It makes you an independent self-reliant person. This is such an important life skill and will take you places because you’re no more fear discomfort.

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