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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

6 Promising Benefits of Waking Up Early

For the most part of my life, I steer cleared from waking up early. The only exceptions when I did wake up early was when there were exams or if I was travelling. My relatives never missed an opportunity to mock me for sleeping late.

However, I recently changed this habit and have been waking up at 5.30 am every day. I have been practising this for the past month and have experienced some perks that I didn't previously. I would like to share these with you. If you're a late riser, hopefully, you would be driven to wake up early too.

1. You Have a Long Day Ahead of You

Once you have an early start to the day, you suddenly have some extra hours every day. This gives you the option to use your time wisely and include a hobby or a passion project that you have been wanting to do, within your daily schedule. It's a great way to make your hours count and feel more fulfilled at the end of the day.

2. You Get to Organise Your Day

The additional time that you get before your official start to the day gives a great kickstart to your day. You get to plan ahead of your schedule and stay organised for the rest of the day.

It sets the tone for the day and helps you stay optimistic and positive for the rest of the day. This in turn makes you more productive and helps you stay on track with your schedule.

3. You Get Time for Self Care

The quiet and peace in the mornings is something I look forward to every day. This happens to be my most favourite aspect of waking up early. There is something about the morning breeze that instantly makes you feel fresh.

I get to take my time to slowly wake up to the day rather than having a cranky start to the day. There is no random traffic noise nor from the neighbours. This is the time when I get to read a book, journal, meditate, exercise, skincare or just lazily spend time with myself before the day officially begins.

4. You Get to Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Waking up early also means that you would get to bed earlier. It gives you the time to complete the required sleep and feel fresh the next morning. Because no one wants to wake up irritated and cranky from their erratic sleep schedules.

Keeping this practice going helps you establish a sleeping routine and regularises your circadian rhythm. This means that you would easily be able to fall asleep during the established times.

5. Improves Your Overall Health

Waking up early gives you the time to have a healthy breakfast. It also means you would have the time to be fully focused on the meal. It gives you the time to be mindful of what you would eat first thing in the morning.

It would help you avoid junk food early in the morning because you would have the time to decide and cook a healthy meal. I have definitely seen this change in me where I'm more mindful of my food choices.

6. You Get the Much Needed Me Time

For those of you who are surrounded by a lot of people or kids around you throughout the day, waking up early could be the best time to get some peaceful me time.

It would give you the much-needed space and time to reflect and be in sync with your thoughts. You could choose to do nothing at all and just have some time for yourself sipping your favourite beverage and watching the sunrise.

I do agree that this lifestyle shift is unreasonable to accomplish within a day or two. It does take a few days for your body clock to adjust to this new timing but I promise your body is going to thank you for this.

However, it does require persistence and the drive to keep waking up early consistent. But I believe it's worth it. You will be able to feel a positive difference soon. Trust me on that.

Are you an early riser? or a night owl? I'm excited to know in the comments below.

I hope you found it helpful. If you're an early riser, what benefits have you noticed from waking up early? I would love to know in the comments below.

If you enjoy reading such content, be sure to subscribe to the weekly blogs. You could also connect with me on my Instagram and Twitter. Until next week,

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