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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

6 Liberating Lessons to Learn By Being In Your Company

Being in your own company is liberating. It can completely transform your personality from being shy and timid to being bold and confident. These times are quite difficult and scary to deal with in the beginning but as you keep living on your own, you would start to enjoy these times.

In this article, I will be discussing 6 Liberating Lessons to Learn By Being In Your Company. Let's dive into it right away.

1. Understanding Yourself Better

When you are all by yourself, you have only yourself to talk to. You have an internal monologue quite often which helps to get to know yourself better. You get to learn what are your likes, your dislikes, what emotions do people evoke in you, you get to learn when your energies change.

What you enjoy doing the most, explore your hobbies. Basically, you become your own best friend. Isn't being your friend the best thing ever? Isn't it amazing, if you could shower all the over yourself that you spend on others that may not value you as much?

You also get to deeply think about what exactly you want from life. You get more in tune with your mind and body.

You also get to analyse the types of thoughts you come across and the kind of personality you are. You also get to know what triggers you. You can record these thoughts in a journal and understand where are areas in your life that you can improve.

You can then take action and improve upon them by building better habits.

2. Find Better Friendships/ Relationships

There are people who spend so much time in others company that they feel super lonely and insecure when they are all by themselves. They may hastily get into relationships and form friendships out of neediness and dependency rather than forming a real connection.

However, once you learn to enjoy your own company, you're happy all by yourself. So, when you actually form relations with other people, it's because you genuinely enjoy their company and not because you want to fill out the loneliness. This in turn would help you get rid of toxic friendships and relationships.

3. You Get to Be Bored

I'm not saying you will always enjoy your own company. There are times when you get bored of yourself or feel lonely because obviously, humans are social by design. However, these times give you an opportunity for personal growth. Because when you're bored is when the creative ideas start to flow.

Have you also experienced that when the most mundane tasks like taking a bath or going to walk are when you often get great ideas? It's because that's when your brain is super relaxed. It gives it an opportunity to switch off and that's when some of the great ideas come through.

I often get ideas for this blog when I'm bored with spending time with myself. And it's awesome because then I can start working on it right away. And I don't feel bored anymore and get back to work. But the point is I allow myself to get bored.

4. Confidence Booster

As you spend more and more time with yourself, you go out alone, you shop alone, watch movies alone, travel alone. All these experiences, give an immense amount of confidence. The confidence is you get by being in your company is unmatchable.

You develop the confidence that in whichever corner of the world you're put, you will be able to survive and bloom. Even if there are hardships, you will be to figure out how to overcome those.

5. Gives You The Freedom

Enjoying your own company also gives a lot of freedom. You're not dependent on somebody to take you out, to have lunch or dinner with you or watch a movie with you. You're on your own. And if nobody comes, you're like hell yes! I'm still going to watch this movie all by myself and not sit and crib at home that I don't have company to take me out on a movie.

This is extremely liberating as a woman, especially, because you're now free. You don't need anybody to do what you want and are willing to step out and do what you enjoy.

6. Time for Your Personal Growth

You get time to invest and focus on yourself. You can explore new activities. You could learn to play a musical instrument, learn a new language, read books from genres you would normally not read, do some fun exercises.

You can also enrol for courses that you had meaning to learn. Do what makes you happy and feel fulfilled. You can experiment, experiment and experiment a little more until you find what makes your soul happy.

Spending time by yourself makes you independent and you learn to be your own saviour during trying times. You no longer are dependent on others or feel anxious or needy. If you haven't tried being by yourself until now, I urge you to do so. And if you have already been there, Let me know what were your learnings when you were in your company in the comments below.

Until next week,



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