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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

6 Habits You Should Quit Right NOW!

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Habits play a very important role in our lives. As Aristotle rightly said, “Through Discipline Comes freedom”. Habits are key to disciplining ourselves. While good habits work in our favour and make our lives efficient and eventually make us better people. As much it is essential to form good habits, it’s equally important to identify the habits that are draining us and get rid of them asap.

These habits could be the reason you are not able to progress in the right direction even after taking all the efforts to form great habits. In this blog article, I’ll be listing 6 such habits that you should quit right now. I would be referring a lot to the past year because the year has made a significant impact on my life. Hoping you would not mind it. Let’s get started

1. Overworking Yourself

Isn’t life all about balance? The more aspects of our life we are able to balance out in our day to day routines, the more fulfilled we feel. As they say all work, no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Speaking about the current situation, The work from the home situation that we have all been in has messed up with our work-life balance. One reason for this is the distance between our workspace and personal space has considerably reduced making it difficult for us to switch between the two aspects of our life.

What has worked for me is to designate 2 to 3 spots in my home that I would work from. Once the work for the day is done, I would not hang around in these spots. In a way, I have trained myself that these are work spots and as soon as I sit, I automatically am more focused. The better focus has allowed me to be efficient during the work hours itself without stretching the work hours.

Agreed that a few days in a month can be stretched but for the rest of the days making a conscious effort could definitely help to ensure you don’t overwork.

Making time for family, health, catching up with friends and pursuing your favourite hobby.

2. Constant Worrying

This is a habit that I have been struggling with. But I’m working on ways to get better at this. We have been subjected to constant fear and worry and this has suddenly become an inseparable part of us. Worrying about our family and friend’s health has taken a toll on us.

However, to think of it practically, there is only so much we all can do about it. Having faith that things will work out for the better and meditating for 10-15min each day has calmed me down a bit. I would love to know how you cope with worrying in the comments section below.

3. Saying Yes to Everything

Saying yes when all you wanted to say was a big NO will make you do things that you never wanted to do in the first place. You end up giving power to the other person. This could make you feel powerless and that’s a situation we would want to be in.

Start saying NO to things that don’t feel right to you. Take that power back! You will feel so much more empowered.

4. Relying completely on your Memory

Haven’t we all been in this trap? We trusted our memory on that one thing we should be remembering but it ended up escaping our brain. Jotting the idea down soon as it comes to your brain on your notes app on the phone or a tiny notepad will relieve you of all the brainpower required to memorise that one thing.

Just a tiny note in a corner of the phone would give you a lot of your time back. Trust me, this works like magic.

5. Not Focusing on Personal Growth

The past year had taught me the importance of personal growth more than ever. With people losing very stable jobs out of the blue, keeping ourselves updated with the latest technology as well as the most important life skill of handling finances. Even this blog resulted from my learnings of the past year. Once you decide to make learning a part of your everyday day, there is no end really. There is just so much to learn around us.

6. Complaining About Everything

A quality that irks me the most is complaining. Do let me know if you relate to this? People who complain without taking action and making efforts towards resolving the issue they are facing with.

I believe that genuine efforts in the right direction can never be unfruitful. Even if you fail, you will absolutely end up learning something new. And experiences are what build you up. So, there is no point sitting and complaining about things. Put all your efforts, if it works out that is absolutely the best. If not, you can always focus on something else and, move on.

I genuinely hope you found this useful. Drop a heart if you did. I would be happy to get your feedback. Do share it with your friends and subscribe if you enjoy such content.

I’ll come back with another blog next,

Until then,

Take good of yourselves



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