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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

6 Actionable Steps to Combat Imposter Syndrome

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Imposter Syndrome is probably the most popular buzzword that has been doing the rounds lately. The reason that I attribute it to is the rise in the number of creators on social media platforms and blogs over the past 1 to 2years.

It is, however, present everywhere and most people have felt it at some point in their lives. In today's article, we will discuss what is an imposter syndrome and 6 actionable ways to combat Imposter Syndrome. Let's begin.

What is Imposter Syndrome? -

Imposter Syndrome is when you have feelings of self-doubt, you're a fraud and people will soon find out the truth.

The signs that you're going through an imposter syndrome is when you feel:

  1. You're not good enough.

  2. You don't deserve the job.

  3. You may find yourself feeling inadequate.

  4. You feel unworthy

  5. You feel like you have nothing new to share

  6. You feel uncomfortable when somebody praises you for your work

Now let's dive into some actionable steps to combat Imposter Syndrome

1. Fake It Till You Make It

This age-old phrase is still very much relevant. You will not always feel your best and confident self. Sometimes, you just have to go for it regardless of how you feel. In such situations, the best bet is to fake your confidence.

Take that risk, be courageous and put yourself out there. You will build confidence along the way. It's an effective way to combat Imposter Syndrome too.

2. Reflect On Your 'Why'

At the start of the project is when you're most determined and motivated. You have a strong 'Why' which is what drives you to the end of the project. However, pausing and reflecting on it will help you go through these times of self-doubt.

Reflecting on why you started this in the first place, will let you know how much you have already accomplished from the start.

It's alright if you don't know much in the beginning. You can always learn along the way.

3. Create A List Of Affirmations

Create a list of positive affirmations that really motivate you to work towards your goals. Have these handy when you're going through phases of self-doubt. Read them aloud to yourself.

Positive self-talk is very powerful and underrated. Try to collect one of those moments, when you're about to enter an interview room or just the moment before you're on the stage for a performance. What you say to yourself in such moments has a very high impact on the moments that proceed.

So, when you're going through feelings of self-doubt open this list of affirmations and repeat these to yourself. Trust me, it makes a lot of difference to your mindset. By doing this you're being kind to yourself which is extremely important.

4. Write Down the List Of Your Accomplishments

Take screenshots of when your boss, a colleague, your client, a professor or your audience sent you some words of praise. Keep it stored in a folder.

When you come across feelings of self-doubt, go back and take a look at all these screenshots. It will definitely help you overcome your feelings of self-doubt and make you feel more confident and accomplished.

Also, celebrate your small wins. Your first recognition, your first promotion, your first 10 subscribers, whatever it is. Capture these moments and go revisit them from time to time.

5. Journal Your Heart Out

Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you and overthinks a situation over and over again. In such situations, sitting down and putting your thoughts onto a paper helps you get a clearer picture of the situation. As you keep writing, you may also come across actionable items and work towards them.

Personally, this helps me a lot. I write down what is troubling me in detail. I also include how I could have avoided it and what could be the possible solution to the problem.

When you put down everything in front of you, firstly it empties out the thoughts in your brain and you also have a road map right in front of you. It helps you avoid unnecessary overthinking.

6. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

"Comparison is the thief of joy" - Theodore Roosevelt.

Your day 1 and somebody day 100 is not a fair comparison, to begin with. Once you go down the rabbit hole of comparison it ends up being a never-ending spiral. Instead, focus on your journey.

Look back and reflect on how far you have come. How much you have learnt along the way. Ask yourself, if you had not taken the action on Day 1, would you have reached this far? This alone will make you realise how far you already are in your journey.

Researchers have also stated that true imposters don't experience this feeling. So, the fact that you're feeling it says a lot about your journey.

Let me know which step are you going to take into action. If you find such content useful do subscribe to the blog. Don't forget to share it with your friends who may be going through Imposter Syndrome.

Until next time,



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