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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

5 Reasons being a Multipotentialite is your Superpower

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Do you also feel guilty for not being able to figure out your one true passion? When someone speaks about their passion or asks you what is the one thing you’re passionate about, do you feel lost? Do you feel like you’re a jack of all trades and master of none? Do you feel like niching down to doing one thing would be the most boring thing to do?

Do you start something new, are totally invested in it for a few months and then suddenly are bored of it and want to try something new?

What if, this very aspect of you is your superpower? Being a multipotentialite person can very well be your superpower. Let's discuss the 5 Reasons being a Multipotentialite is your Superpower

1. You're a Lifelong Learner

Being a student for life is probably your mantra. Personally speaking, this hunt for finding that one passion has made me explore all types of creative pursuits from playing musical instruments to photography to learning personal finances. It has opened up so many avenues for me to learn and work on my skillset. It has ingrained the lifelong learner personality where I’m always wanting to learn new things and work on myself.

This has been fulfilling and I hope to continue learning new things

2. Curiosity Runs in Your Veins

Closely related to the previous point is being multi-passionate makes you curious about multiple different things. You are not looking for expertise in a specific area but are always curious about learning the basics of a given skill. This is a great way to expand your knowledge and pick up a number of life skills along the way..

3. Makes You a Master Problem Solver

Having yourself exposed to varying skills gets you in the benefit of being a better problem solver. In many situations be it personal or professional, there will be occasions when you will have an edge of looking at the problem more holistically. You will be able to form innovative links given your exposure to varying passions which a specialist may not be able to.

4. You are Highly Adaptable

This aspect of your personality makes you less fearful of trying out new things. You are always willing to try new things out even if they are out of your comfort zone. This makes you highly adaptable to different situations that life throws at you and you’re able to wear many different hats.

Better Adaptability is one of the most important life skills now with the rapid pace at which things evolve around us.

5. You are Prepared for the Gig Economy

With the rapid pace at which technology is progressing, having multiple facets under your umbrella would act as a safety net in the case that one of your money generating skillsets is no longer valuable.

With solopreneurs on the rise, operating smaller businesses in its initial phase would require you to dorn various hats at once. Having exposure to various required skillsets would make it easier.

To conclude, I really hope you feel confident and not alone about being a multipotentialite. You are ready to take on the world with your prowess. Do let me know if you resonate with it in the comments section below.

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