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Writer's pictureShweta Shekhar

10 Reasons You’re Doing Better Than You Think

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you’re not doing enough or have not achieved as much you had anticipated? You may also feel like all the others doing much better than you. It is easy to go down this spiral of thoughts with so much happening around us. However, it’s time to pause and reflect on how far you have come.

In this blog article, I will be listing down 10 reasons you’re doing better than you think. I hope you find it useful. Let’s begin.

1. You’re not the same as you were last year

You are consistently making efforts to better yourself in all the areas of life that you want to improve. With all the efforts you have put in, you see significant growth from the person you were last year.

2. You learn from your mistakes

Be it your professional or personal life, mistakes are bound to happen. What truly matters is the lesson learnt from each of these mistakes that help you shape your personality and expertise in the given area. As it is rightly said, the difference between a newbie and an expert is that the expert has made all the mistakes that the newbie has not even experienced yet.

3. You are striving to seek balance

You are very well aware of your priorities and know how to balance them off with all your other responsibilities. You have learnt to have a good work-life balance and are able to maintain it on most days.

4. You have time to pursue what you enjoy

If you’re able to find time for something you enjoy doing from a passion project to even watching your favourite shows or movies, you’re doing far better than you think.

5. You’re grateful for all that you have

Recent times have taught us the importance of gratitude. Even in the middle of the pandemic, most of us were able to sit in the comfort of our homes, work and spend quality time with our families. All of this definitely calls for being as grateful as one can be

6. You have a couple of great friends

Having one or two close friends with whom you can share everything, knowing that they will be honest and non-judgemental about your thoughts, and support you no matter what. Friends you can laugh with till it hurts or can even cry till you sleep is far better than the friends who only appear when you want to share happiness. If you have a couple of such friends, you are doing far better than you think. Trust me on that!

7. You are picky about the people in your life

Most of us have been through a phase in life where hanging out with a large group of friends was considered cool. As life progressed, I have come to realise that being picky about the people you choose to enter your life is an energy saver. So many times, people drain off your energy more than you realise. It’s only when they exit your life that you realise that you have been drained of your energy.

Choosing people who radiate with your energy, and only help you vibe higher will change your life and help you focus on your energy on other meaningful aspects of your life.

8. You make your own decisions

Decisiveness is an underrated superpower in my own opinion. If you’re one of those who can make decisions and own up to all of its outcomes, you’re doing much better than you think. This is a life skill that will help you show your leadership skills.

Often times, in our lives, be it personal or professional, we are faced with situations where we need to choose between two great decisions or two really bad ones. But, choosing one of the two using your instincts and sticking by it no matter what is the real test.

People often chicken out from such situations or choose to be on the side of the majority only so that they can be safe and have nobody question their decision.

9. You take responsibility for your life actions

This is definitely a very important life skill to imbibe. You taking responsibility for your actions instead of playing the victim card shows that you are taking complete ownership of your life. Sure, this may be hard at times but it will also give you the confidence to accept things and move on with life.

10. Internet is at your disposal

The Internet has opened us all to possibilities that we could not possibly imagine. It’s all through this medium that we are able to work from the comfort of our homes amidst the global pandemic. It has helped us keep in touch with our friends and family even in these times of social distancing.

It has given us access to amazing creators and courses on the internet and brought the world to our fingertips breaking all the physical barriers. If the internet at your disposal, you’re definitely doing better.

I hope you found this helpful. If you did, please consider sharing this article with your friends and subscribing to the blog for more such content coming your way. I would love to know your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below.


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